Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Alnwick and Berrick-Upon-Tweed

The outside of Alnwick Castle was used as Hogwarts in the first two Harry Potter films.


Lori Smith said...

Did you drive thru that tunnel?

Shauna said...

These photos are just wonderful. What an adventure you are having......How is the weather? Are you really on your way to Norway? How exciting. That is the land of our ancestors.....well mostly England but all Norway on one side.

Lori Smith said...

Shauna our family villages are very close to each other...my great-g-grandmother, Tarjer Serene Gahrson Evensen was the first female convert to the LDS church in Norway! Where they attended church last Sunday is very close to where these first converts were baptized.

Marijke said...

Mom yes, we drove through those tunnels in the walls, it was neat!

Shauna, we have been blessed with really good weather basically everywhere we've gone! Our ancestors were the main reasons why we went to Norway!